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Physiotherapy for Pathological Demand Avoidance

Physiotherapists are often involved in the treatment of PDA as some individuals may experience problems with their motor skills. Many may appear physically clumsy or have an awkward gait. These are areas that Physiotherapists can treat and help to minimise any associated problems.

Gross motor skills that Physiotherapists may focus on include:

  • Rolling
  • Sitting
  • Crawling
  • Walking
  • Jumping

The physiotherapist will work closely with other professionals in order for the individual to gain the best outcome from therapy. The physiotherapist will carry out exercises and tasks in a fun and motivating way to try and minimise the demands placed on the individual with PDA.

The main aim of physiotherapy will be to support the individual, their parents / carers and other professionals to increase the individual's balance and coordination of motor movements. Physiotherapy will focus on helping the individual carry out motor skills to their best ability across their home, social and educational environments.

There are several Physiotherapy techniques that may be used to address highlighted problems. The type of intervention carried out will depend on the individual’s specific needs and abilities and their willingness to participate in therapy. Physiotherapy interventions for PDA may include:

  • Play
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Therapeutic exercise programmes
  • Manual therapy

Physiotherapists also play a key role in educating parents/carers and school teachers of children with Pathological Demand Avoidance in techniques that can help to encourage the child to remain active to help improve gross motor and co-ordination skills.

If you feel that you would benefit from our physiotherapy service and would like to arrange an assessment with one of our physiotherapists please contact us by emailing

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